Puffed Buckwheat Squares
This is a vegan, gluten-free adaptation of a traditional puffed wheat square--a Prairie potluck tradition. Chewy, chocolatey, and...
This is a vegan, gluten-free adaptation of a traditional puffed wheat square--a Prairie potluck tradition. Chewy, chocolatey, and...
This is a super easy sauce that can be used in any recipe that calls for traditional dulce du leche. I can't wait to try it with a dark...
This easy banana bread is free from refined sugar and top 8 allergens. If you are not gluten sensitive, you can use traditional oats for...
I use whatever safe frozen cookie dough is in my freezer for the base of these gooey, coconut bars. Feel free to use your favourite...
This easy recipe is an alternative to the chickpea water (aquafaba) based recipes that are common with vegan deserts. My Little is...
These easy cookies are a great alternative to the store bought version. You could use any jam you like, but I find fig and raspberry is...
My sister-in-law makes these as a bar by subbing the vegan butter for coconut oil and pressing the dough into a baking dish. INGREDIENTS...
The perfect coffee cake, vegan and gluten-free. INGREDIENTS ​ ​​​Dry 1 cup sorghum  flour 1 1/4 cup oat flour (toss some rolled or steel...
You could also use soy-butter if sunflower seeds are not on your safe-list. INGREDIENTS Dry 1 cup 1:1 gluten-free flour blend 1/4 cup...